A monolithic foundation is a concrete slab that’s poured in one piece to serve as both the foundation and floor of a building. The word “monolithic” means “all in one pour”.
- Durable: Monolithic foundations are strong and durable.
- Cost-effective: They’re faster to construct, which keeps labor costs low.
- Low maintenance: They’re relatively low maintenance.
- Energy-efficient: They’re a good option for climates that don’t freeze during the winter.
- Adaptable: They can be installed on almost any kind of soil, including unstable soil.
Monolithic foundations are poured in one continuous process, with thicker edges and more steel reinforcement than the center. They’re well-suited to areas with shallow soil frost depths and climates where the ground doesn’t freeze.

A stem wall foundation is a raised foundation that uses concrete walls to support a building’s structure. Stem walls are often used in areas prone to flooding or high water tables.
How it works
- Concrete footings are installed below ground
- Concrete walls, or stems, extend from the footings to the slab level
- The walls are reinforced with steel
- Structural support: Stem walls provide essential structural support for the building
- Protection from moisture: Stem walls help protect against moisture and movement
- Drainage: Stem walls can elevate a structure to allow for easier drainage
- Height flexibility: Stem walls can be built in different heights to accommodate varying elevations

- Stem walls can be made of concrete blocks, poured concrete, or precast concrete panels
- Stem walls are often preferred in areas with high water tables or expansive soil conditions
- Stem walls can be implemented with post and pads or further interior cement walls/support